Birkbeck Primary School


Welcome To Birkbeck Primary School

 Welcome to Birkbeck Primary School. We are thrilled that you have taken an interest in our school and taken the time to view our website. We hope this initial welcome and, the rest of the site, gives you the information you seek and a flavour for our school.

 We are a thriving and growing three form entry school (currently three form entry up to Year 5), with a Nursery, and have a spacious site with extensive fields and grounds located near to Sidcup station – affording us excellent public transport links for trips and visits. 

 Birkbeck is a happy and vibrant school community where every child is valued to ‘Dream, Believe and Achieve’ in a safe a purposeful environment. We have a highly dedicated and committed staff team who provide excellent learning opportunities in and outside of the classroom to ensure that the curriculum is rich, creative and engaging.

 We aim to develop children to create well-rounded individuals where they not only academically thrive but also become model citizens, equipped with the skills to grow, develop and make an impact in modern society.

 Birkbeck Primary School has a history of excellence and is well respected in the locality. As a school, we believe that our purpose is to continually strive for social justice and equity of opportunity and as such, this is our ethos. We pride ourselves on our commitment to our school vision: To create a learning community where we are planning and pursuing excellence and enjoyment through sequenced, evidence informed teaching and learning that enables all children to be valued for their heritage and individuality and to be motivated to reach their full potential and to understand how they can influence the world of the future. This is reflected in all that we do at Birkbeck, from our curriculum to our enrichment programme and everything in between.  Birkbeck is a place where everyone, adults and children, are expected to continually develop both personally and academically. 

We value the contribution our parents and carers make to children’s achievements, and we are excited to build on these relationships as we continue on our journey to success – together we are stronger. If you are a prospective parent or carer do take comfort in knowing that, at Birkbeck, your child will be cared for, challenged in their learning and have consistent opportunities to ignite a passion for learning.

It would be a pleasure to welcome you to Birkbeck Primary School for a tour, so please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or queries; we are always happy to help.

I very much hope that you enjoy looking through our website and if you would like paper copies of anything published on it, please do not hesitate to contact the school office with your request at:   

Mrs Kelley-Day

Head Teacher