Birkbeck Primary School

Mobile Phones

The School strongly advises that children’s mobile phones and other personal devices should not be brought into school.  However, we accept that there may be particular circumstances in which a parent wishes their child to have a mobile phone for their own safety e.g. if they are walking to and from school.  Therefore, it would be expected that only children in Year 5 & 6 who walk to or from school without an adult will need to bring a phone into school. 

Mobile phones which are brought into school must be turned off (not placed on silent) and should be placed in the class box each morning as soon as the child enters the classroom.  These will then be taken to the admin office where they will be kept safely until the end of the school day.  If a child needs to contact his or her parents or carers, they will be allowed to use a school phone. Parents are advised not to contact their child via their mobile phone during the school day, but to contact the school office.

Mobile phones brought into school are entirely at pupil’s, parent’s or visitor’s own risk. The School accepts no responsibility for the loss, theft or damage of any phone or hand held device brought into school. 

All mobile phone use is to be open to scrutiny and the Headteacher is to be able to withdraw or restrict authorisation for use at any time if it is to be deemed necessary. The School reserves the right to search the content of any mobile or handheld devices on the school premises where there is a reasonable suspicion that it may contain undesirable material, including those which promote pornography, violence or bullying.

Safe use of Mobile Phones

  • Children should protect their phone numbers by only giving them to trusted friends and family members.
  • Please ensure you speak to your child about the safe and appropriate use of mobile phones and personally-owned devices and make them aware of boundaries and consequences. 
  • No images or videos should be taken on mobile phones or personally-owned mobile devices without the prior consent of the person or people concerned. 
  • If a child breaches the school policy then the phone or device will be confiscated and will be held in a secure place in the school office. Mobile phones and devices will be released to parents or carers in accordance with the school confiscation policy.